Adult OrthodonticsNorthport, NY

It is a common misconception to believe that orthodontics is only for children and teenagers. Your teeth continue to shift well into adulthood resulting in crooked teeth, a misaligned bite, or other painful side effects. Whether you are unhappy with your teeth for cosmetic or health reasons, it is never too late to improve your bite and your smile. 

You can have a healthy, beautiful smile at any age. Orthodontic treatment is a viable option for almost any adult. Like children, adults can experience the self-confidence that comes with a beautiful smile, along with the benefits of improving your oral health. 

Advances in adult orthodontics have made treatment more comfortable and less noticeable than ever. Many options for treatment are designed to minimize the appearance of the appliances to better fit your lifestyle.

Why get braces now?

Believe it or not, 1 out of every 4 patients choosing orthodontic treatment is an adult! Leaving teeth misaligned can lead to dental problems including tooth decay, periodontal disease, excessive wear of teeth and difficulty chewing. With orthodontic treatment, you can improve your bite and reduce the risk of developing these dental problems in the future.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign​ is a series of clear aligners that are worn throughout the day and night. These aligners are made of clear and comfortable plastic that you wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place,based on the exact movements your orthodontist plans. Every week, you change to a new set of aligners which will move your teeth into the correct position. We also offer touch-up aligner treatment for minor tooth movements that can be done in under three months in many cases.


The cost of your treatment can vary based upon your treatment requirements, along with the type of insurance coverage you may have. On average, orthodontic treatment costs range from $4,500 to $6,500, prior to insurance. A typical treatment time varies between 12 to 24 months for adults. Payments are divided over the length of your treatment with no interest and insurance often pays for a portion of the treatment. We also have other payment options we are happy to discuss. Our office will verify your insurance benefits and work with you to come up with a financial arrangement that works for you.

Our board-certified orthodontists offer adult, adolescent and child orthodontic treatment at our Nesconset, Massapequa Park, and Northport locations. Contact us to learn more and schedule your appointment for your complimentary consultation.

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